
Demonstrate the PyVista filters API to perform mesh analysis and alteration


This section of the tutorial was adopted from the Filtering section of PyVista’s Example Gallery.

PyVista mesh objects have a suite of common filters ready for immediate use directly on the object. These filters include the following (see Filters API for a complete list):

To use these filters, call the method of your choice directly on your data object:

import pyvista as pv
from pyvista import examples

dataset = examples.load_uniform()
dataset.set_active_scalars("Spatial Point Data")

# Apply a threshold over a data range
threshed = dataset.threshold([100, 500])

outline = dataset.outline()

And now there is a thresholded version of the input dataset in the new threshed object. To learn more about what keyword arguments are available to alter how filters are executed, print the docstring for any filter attached to PyVista objects with either help(dataset.threshold) or using shift+tab in an IPython environment.

We can now plot this filtered dataset along side an outline of the original dataset:

pl = pv.Plotter()
pl.add_mesh(outline, color="k")
pl.camera_position = [-2, 5, 3]

What about other filters? Let’s collect a few filter results and compare them:

import pyvista as pv
from pyvista import examples

dataset = examples.load_uniform()
outline = dataset.outline()
threshed = dataset.threshold([100, 500])
contours = dataset.contour()
slices = dataset.slice_orthogonal()
glyphs = dataset.glyph(factor=1e-3, geom=pv.Sphere(), orient=False)

p = pv.Plotter(shape=(2, 2))
# Show the threshold
p.add_mesh(outline, color="k")
p.add_mesh(threshed, show_scalar_bar=False)
p.camera_position = [-2, 5, 3]
# Show the contour
p.subplot(0, 1)
p.add_mesh(outline, color="k")
p.add_mesh(contours, show_scalar_bar=False)
p.camera_position = [-2, 5, 3]
# Show the slices
p.subplot(1, 0)
p.add_mesh(outline, color="k")
p.add_mesh(slices, show_scalar_bar=False)
p.camera_position = [-2, 5, 3]
# Show the glyphs
p.subplot(1, 1)
p.add_mesh(outline, color="k")
p.add_mesh(glyphs, show_scalar_bar=False)
p.camera_position = [-2, 5, 3]


Filter Pipeline#

In VTK, filters are often used in a pipeline where each algorithm passes its output to the next filtering algorithm. In PyVista, we can mimic the filtering pipeline through a chain; attaching each filter to the last filter. In the following example, several filters are chained together:

  1. First, and empty threshold filter to clean out any NaN values.

  2. Use an elevation filter to generate scalar values corresponding to height.

  3. Use the clip filter to cut the dataset in half.

  4. Create three slices along each axial plane using the slice_orthogonal filter.

Apply a filtering chain

result = dataset.threshold().elevation().clip(normal="z").slice_orthogonal()

And to view this filtered data, simply call the plot method (result.plot()) or create a rendering scene:

p = pv.Plotter()
p.add_mesh(outline, color="k")
p.add_mesh(result, scalars="Elevation")


Using Common Filters

Using Common Filters

Bonus Content#

Sample Function: Perlin Noise in 3D

Sample Function: Perlin Noise in 3D

Do it yourself#

Clipping with Planes & Boxes

Clipping with Planes & Boxes

Computing Surface Normals

Computing Surface Normals



Plotting Glyphs (Vectors or PolyData)

Plotting Glyphs (Vectors or PolyData)


Clipping with Planes & Boxes

Clipping with Planes & Boxes

Computing Surface Normals

Computing Surface Normals



Plotting Glyphs (Vectors or PolyData)

Plotting Glyphs (Vectors or PolyData)

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